Holy Week begins tomorrow. Every year it seems to creep up on us and we seem to face it a little unprepared. The least we could say is we long to experience it fully but aren’t quite sure how to approach it. That’s the case for me this year. Since Easter Sunday is earlier than usual, my spiritual clock doesn’t quite seem to be on cue. So what will we, what will I do with Holy Week?
I’ll begin by being more decidedly a participant in worship on Sunday rather than a worship leader as is usually the case. As a participant in worship I plan to be more in touch and in tune with what God is doing in my life during that hour. Being out of my usual spot on Sunday always awakens my senses to the presence and the voice of God in my life. I hope that the senses of worship will ignite a flame that continues to burn through this very special week. I am reminded of the words of John who spoke of Jesus as “ the light of the world.”
Perhaps my senses will also be more acutely aware of the new life bursting forth in creation. I want to notice the buds on the trees, the lilies bursting forth from the ground. I saw a bright red cardinal on our deck this afternoon. Yes, I’m excited about the prospects of spring—not only in creation but in my spiritual life as well.
It will be my hope as well through this Holy Week that I will take in all that Jesus experienced that last week. To reflect upon the triumphal entry, the meal with his disciples in the upper room, the prayer in the garden, the betrayal by a friend, the trial before Pilate, the walk to Golgotha, the crucifixion, and the silence of Saturday all serve to enhance the experience of Easter. It’s easy to give in to the temptation to get to the joy of Easter and certainly we want to be there. But there is a deeper experience God has for us if we take the time to journey through all that happens in the life of Christ that week.
All in all, I look forward to this week and the hope, peace, and renewal it brings to my life. And, having taken the journey through Holy Week, Easter will dawn with new hope and new life.
That’s the reflection from my corner.