Summer is filled with joys beyond number. No matter who you are there seems to be something that fits the niche for everyone. Unless of course your niche involves snow and ice. With that said, summer really does possess a certain seasoning that enhances the routine of life.
Though I am not much for the pool scene, there is something to be said for spending a day at the pool with friends and basking in the sun and the water. I do enjoy spending time working in my yard though right now it seems that means I am picking up more rocks and weeds than anything else. I enjoy spending the hour on my riding mower giving my yard a nicely manicured look, though the dust and the pollen does seem to awaken my allergies.
Washing the car is always a great summer time activity. Though it seems cleaning my car was an activity I enjoyed more when I was a teenager. Well, there are always summer vacations to our favorite destinations. But this year, our vacation will happen not in the summer but during fall break.
It does appear my summer joy has experienced a bit of a slump. But not to give up, there are two activities that have revived my summer joy. The first was buying a homemade ice cream maker, getting out the old family recipe and whipping together a batch of homemade ice cream. There's nothing like it in the world!! The rich cream, the vanilla, the cold as it rushes down my throat! I'm ready to get another batch going right now.
The other activity was picking blackberries. I have labored and loved this tiny patch in my backyard for a few years now and this spring the rain was just right and the berries came on in great fashion. I relished walking down to the patch each evening to pick a small bucket of berries which my wife will use to make the best blackberry pie in the world! Top it all off with some homemade ice cream and I doubt that the summer could get any better.
Both those activities flood my mind with days past of helping my parents make ice cream and picking blackberries at my grandparents. Those memories are a gift from God for which I am very grateful. Those memories have indeed enriched my summer joy!