Saturday, April 5, 2008

Getting Away

Jennifer and I took a much needed break. We traveled to Virginia to tour some historic sites. We celebrated her birthday and our 20th Anniversary, though our anniversary isn’t until June. But mostly we just relaxed and enjoyed the time away.

As often happens when we get away, we talked a lot about our kids, David and Kate who were staying with their grandparents. We called them each day, or they called us. Sometimes they called several times. They wanted to know what we were doing and especially wanted to know when we were coming home. Though we enjoy our time away together, we miss our kids just as they miss us. Being away from work and the demands of home, and at the same time being renewed in our relationship are all things we have tried to do throughout our years of marriage.

I’ve discovered in our times away that I come home refreshed and renewed. I also come home with a new understanding or perspective about myself. We all need to get away. Jesus got away. The gospels tell us that on a few occasions he went away by himself—to pray, to reflect, to gain perspective. If Jesus took the time to get away, and Jesus is our model for living well, then it stands to reason we should learn from him and take the time to get away as well.

I hope you take the time to get away to be renewed in your life, your relationships and your walk with God.
